What Happens in Vegas…
Normally, the saying is, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, and while that’s probably great for many of the things that happen in this amazing town, this time, what happened in Vegas is going to follow OPMH Project home, and make its way around the world.
Vapexpo Las Vegas was an incredible show for us. Not only did we unveil our our new LED lit banners (they look incredible), but we also released the All New Watson flavors. With four more flavors coupled with our awarding winning original (Watson OG), we now have one of the deepest tobacco flavor lineups around.
We also revealed the new Sweetworks line while we were in town. These candy flavors were an absolute hit with everyone who tried them out. Each of these new lines received incredible feedback, and the presale numbers back that up.
OPMH Project wants to take a second to thank all of the people that helped make this such a rocking show for us. All of the people with Vapexpo were amazing to work with. Our vendors did a great job of supporting OPMH Project at the show, and really stepped up our presence. We can’t thank you guys enough for the help this past weekend. Our team also did an amazing job. Casey, our marketing coordinator, took care of the logistics as far as getting our team to Vegas, and Cam, our logistics manager, did a great job making sure that our booth and product arrived safe and sound.
Next up for OPMH Project, Eddy, David, and Miguel are going to be heading right back out to Rome to support our friends at Vapexpress-Italia during Vapeitaly. This is going to be an amazing time for our team. Not only are going to get to expose the international market to the new Watson and Sweetworks flavors, but we’re also going to be able to get some amazing marketing shots.
Check back soon for the next story… Vegas by the Numbers. We will go over all the great things that happened, all of the people that we met, and even an accounting of what our team lost at the poker tables this weekend. Check out these amazing shots from our trip, and if you want to talk to someone about working with OPMH, just hit us up via email at Sales@OPMHProject.com, or call us at 833.676.4669.